Monday, 19 January 2015


One area I give credit to the women is in business. I've been able to see they are better managers. I’m amazed at how women entrepreneurs multitask. They can combine as much as four business ventures together and manage it successfully without seeing signs of stress and fatigue on their faces. I know some of them personally. Men can hardly do this. I think it’s a special gift they have and that’s a plus for the woman.
Women might have been successful in the areas of business, management, academics, media, law among others but one area that has little representation is politics. Very few women are seen engaging in politics across the world. It’s even more restricted in Africa and Asia but some have decided to stand tall and defy the norm. To the credit of the woman, we have female heads of state that are heading powerful nations. Germany is the largest economy in Europe and is headed by Angel Markel. Brazil, Argentina and Chile are the three leading economies in South America and are headed by women in Dilma Roussef, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Michelle Bachelet respectively. Emerging Asian economy South Korea’s current president Park Guen-hye is female. Australia had a former female prime minister in Julia Gillard. This shows that women are taking over powerful nations. I believe the greatest achievement for ‘Girl Power’ would be to have a female president in the most world’s powerful nations: The United States, Russia and China and also a female UN Secretary-General. A Nigerian female president would also be a plus to Africa’s largest economy. Can that happen?  It will be tough but with the current trend, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes reality. Afterall late Margaret Thatcher who was popularly known as ‘Iron Lady’ is the longest serving and one of the best British prime ministers till date.
Inspite of the success Girl Power has been able to achieve since the protests of the 1960s many women still continue to be denied equal rights and face sexual violence and harassment. Nevertheless the emancipation of women has given them a bigger audience and louder voice in a society that is dominated by men.
The one problem I have with Girl Power is that women who find themselves in position of authority tend to be authoritarian in character. They go overboard on little issues and it becomes annoying to the male subordinates. The success of women in business and management has seen them in some cases earn more than their male counterparts and as such fail to respect or give regard to the men.
Regardless of how successful a woman can be, the man will always be ahead of her. This is proven biologically. Only if a woman decides not to have a family can she keep up with a man. Even at that, it’s still impossible. Men and women do not possess the same physical strength. The woman can say all she likes to defend herself but I think the man is still in charge. Women need to know that they are an integral part of a man’s life and vice versa. I refuse to accept those lines in girl power songs that say the woman can do without a man. If the woman can do that, it won’t last a life time. She’ll need a man at some point and that’s why it’s important for both sexes to respect each other rather than do the blame game. Even Beyoncé after ranting so much about women taking charge in her acclaimed song ‘Run the world (Girls)’ said “boy I’m just playing… hope you still like me…..” I think that says it all. *winks.*

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*All photos sourced randomly from Google Images.

Thursday, 15 January 2015


And the saying goes ‘what a man can do a woman can do better’. I grew up with that statement been said over and over again and men were still in charge. The role of a woman has traditionally been confined to the home while the man does all the work. That was the status quo for many centuries until women started challenging it through writings in the 18th century. The 1960s saw a mass wave of protests by women in the developed world calling for equal rights with men. The woman has the right to equal pay, equal education, equal opportunities in the work place, legal and financial independence, right to birth control and abortion, the right to determine sexuality and non-discrimination against lesbians and also freedom from violence and sexual coercion.
These were some huge demands by the women and it can said that their efforts to put themselves on the same scale as men without discrimination has taken shape not only in the developed world but the entire world. One area that is having huge influence in the rights for women today is music. Many of today’s female artists compose songs whose themes center on liberty and emancipation of women popularly termed ‘Girl Power’. Artists such as Beyoncé Knowles have led the trail in this area. Her song ‘Run the world (Girls)’ has got to be the best Girl Power song till date. Its lyrics and music video seems to intimidate the man by saying Girls are in charge and not men. Other energetic Girl Power songs by the Creole lady include ‘Independent women’, soundtrack to Charlie’s Angels and Survivor by Destiny’s Child. Other popular female artists that have composed Girl Power songs include Pink, Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys, Aretha Franklin among others.
The women might have been protesting for equal rights with man but who would think that it would really take serious effect. The result today is jawdropping. Women now make up 45% of the world labour force this includes the Arab world were many women are restricted in the work place due to gender and religious segregation. They now work with men without any problem. If one takes a look at Nigeria, women are gradually taking over the corporate world. Women are now flooding the banks, they are heading departments in corporate organisations and are becoming CEOs. Women are now taking up positions in management and are been favoured over the men. There’s the saying that woman are better managers and their position in the management field tends to show that.

Girls are also flooding schools. Infact the ratio of girls in class today outnumbers boys. While doing some research, I found out that girls make up the large population in management courses in University such as Accounting, Economics, Marketing and Business Administration. I used Babcock University, the University of Ibadan and University of Lagos to make these findings. Courses relating to the media such as Mass Communication also have large population of girls as well as Law. Girls are now topping the class ahead of the guys. Some guys even rely on the girls to pass their courses. The population of girls is small in the pure and applied sciences. Fields such as Medicine, Engineering and Computer Science have a small fraction of girls but I’m sure their little numbers would dare the norm and aim to top the class and come up with innovative ideas which have been all created by men. Women have defied the odds in doing extreme activities that are highly dangerous and of course only done by men. We now have women who have gone on space missions such as Valentina Tereshkova, Kathryn Sullivan, Rhea Seddon, Mae Jemison, Anna Fisher, Roberta Bondar among many others. A few women have been able to challenge men on the race track such as Danica Patrick and Johanna Long in Indy Car Racing and NASCAR, Maria Teresa de Filippis and Lella Lombardi in Formula one, Vanina Ickx and Desiré Wilson in the 24 Hours of Le Man race.

*To be continued.

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*All photos sourced randomly from Google Images.

Thursday, 1 January 2015


Another New Year is upon us and as always is the tradition, there's a lot of frenzy to mark the New Year. December 31st is always seen as a tense day. People bustling all over the place to make last minute preparations towards the New Year. The night time is the most noisy, fireworks lighting the sky, music all over the place, people drinking up in bars, guys stroking girls in motels or their private homes and of course people flocking to church for the cross over service. This is great but is that all that really matters?
We all make New Year resolutions wanting to improve on something and make fervent earth shaking and ground moving prayers to God to bless us and increase us in all we do. As the year goes by, we do see improvement in ourselves, job promotion, marriage, new house, new car, earning an academic degree among other things. God indeed is moving and prayers are being answered but there is one thing that is missing from us: THE ART OF LOVING, FORGIVING AND CARING FOR OTHERS.
God might have blessed some people beyond expectations but rather than be a blessing to others just as God did, they neglect those going through difficult and turbulent times. Many are out there who don’t have anyone to care for them. Some are going through depression because of the loss of a loved one. Some have had terrible accident which has taken a toll on their health and don’t have the means for treating themselves, some don’t have a place to sleep. Every day is a struggle for them. We bypass these people while we smile and put joy in our hearts. Some of these people just need someone to talk to, someone that could give them a smile, a phone call of upliftment or encouragement to that woman who lost her husband and first son. Sometimes it’s not all about giving money but being there. One’s presence is enough to make sad emotions disappear. Even those who are blessed financially do not give to worthy causes but keep gathering the wealth, racking up millions that isn't channeled to developmental needs of society.
As said earlier, we all pray fervently for God to bless and increase us. Our prayers most times are all about ourselves neglecting to pray for others going through difficult times. Prayers shouldn't be about ‘I’ all the time. 90% of our prayers have ‘I’ while the remaining 10% is on other people or not at all. This is an entirely wrong thing. Jesus Christ prayed more for others than himself even at the point of death so why can’t we do the same? The result of such is that the lives of millions would be better and not just us alone.

I've come to realize that many people might be prayer warriors, praying day and night against the forces of evil but deep in their heart is hate and an unforgiving spirit. How is it that we pray during cross over services and yet we carry grudge and hate in our hearts just because that woman said something that wasn't pleasant to you? I've heard insults and unpleasant things in my life over and over again but does that mean that I hold grudge over such person? Absolutely not. Having bitter resentment over someone for doing something painful and hurtful doesn't make much sense. Some have carried hate in their heart for years. That’s just unbelievable. 
Jesus Christ for once never had hate in his heart. It was all about forgiveness even when people did things that didn't please God. The martyr Stephen at the point of being stoned to death prayed to God to forgive those who were doing the cruel act to him. His prayers might have saved those people so why do we find it hard to forgive someone? There’s no point keeping malice, holding grudge and hating. It just simply is an act of immaturity no matter the degree of hurt caused. Keeping such in mind can have psychological effect as time goes on so what hate? Bury the hatchet please. God isn't pleased with a heart that can’t forgive when He did much more than that for us.
Rather than start this New Year in the same fashion we have been doing over the years, why don’t we turn a new leaf. Lend a helping hand, give all you can, let someone feel happy because you were there in time of need. Pray more for those who need love and care than for yourself. God has blessed you so be a blessing to others. End the hate and grudge you have towards that person. Show some love back, if the person isn't warm towards you, do your part and leave the rest. Your bright face might just change the person’s approach.

Wishing you all a wonderful 2015. Have a great year.

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*All photos sourced randomly from Google Images.